Academic Elite Proofreading Services
Dr Susan Baxter offers two editing service levels:
Proofreading Plus; and
Premium Editing.
Professional proofreading takes the stress out of academic writing! I’m an expert proofreader, ensuring your academic document achieves compelling content plus sound grammar, spelling and clarity.
Clear and correct communication of ideas is essential to producing high-quality research. Yet it is hard to stand back and proofread your own writing. Dr Susan Baxter eliminates the risk of your hard work being misinterpreted or misrepresented by inaccuracies.
Our academic editing and proofreading service covers:
Essays, assignments & theses;
Books, manuscripts & journal articles;
Conference & research papers;
Funding applications & book reviews;
Abstracts & chapters; and
All other types of academic documents.
My Proofreading Plus service
Dr Susan’s Proofreading Plus service provides high-quality proofreading of your document to detect and correct grammatical errors and ensure spelling is correct and in accordance with the required New Zealand style. I will ensure consistent tense, correct word usage and optimum sentence structure. I will also ensure the correct use of abbreviations and create a list of abbreviations if needed.
Please contact me via the form below or via email for more information.
Which service should I use?
If you are a Native English speaker and confident that your document is already in reasonably good shape, you can comfortably opt for Proofreading Plus. If you are looking for an edit that goes the extra mile, particularly if you have concerns about the structure and flow of your work, or you are from a Non-English speaking background, then Premium Editing is ideal. If you are unsure what service suits you best, then most likely Premium Editing is the better option.
Please note that if you select Proofreading Plus and I assess that your document requires more work than our service provides, I will contact you to discuss some alternative options. Do not worry: I will not force you to select a service that is above your budget—I will work with you to find the right solution for you.
Please contact me via the form below for a detailed breakdown of the components included in the Premium Editing and Proofreading Plus services. Note I may request a copy of your document prior to providing a detailed quotation via email.
Why choose Dr Susan Baxter?
I am a World-class PhD qualified academic proofreader, experienced in proofreading for academics and students for the University Otago;
Experienced coaching: expert guidance to improve your academic writing;
100% satisfaction guarantee: proofreaders work until you are happy;
Absolute delivery guarantee: I will never miss a deadline, or my proofreading is free;
Fast, accurate academic editing: special Urgent Service meets your tightest deadlines (ask me for details via the form below);
Value for money: best possible proofreading for the lowest possible price;
Upfront pricing: clear quotes & inclusions at the outset mean no surprises;
Road-tested essay and thesis editing; and
Trusted reputation: university professors, lecturers & tutors recommend me (and I assume it’s the reason you are seeing my page).